DIY Shiplap
The shiplap has begun! Finished? Not quite. With the chop saw + air compressor + nail gun we can truly only work on this DIY when the...
The Master Plan, for now.
We've finally come up with the plan for the Master Bedroom. It's been edited no less than 1000x, and I'm anticipating even more changes...
An Empty Hallway: Solved
Whenever I'm stumped on a space, I move on. I pretend it doesn't exist, nor does it need my attention. A perfect example of exactly that,...
Master Bedroom Remodel: Floors
The wood floors are in! It's amazing how flooring can change a room so drastically. We lived out of our bedroom all of last summer when...
Master Bedroom Remodel
If you follow me on social media, you may have caught onto the fact that I never show our master bedroom. And frankly, it's because we've...